Donations Form
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How to Help

Pathways to Promise Scholarship

To mark the College’s 50th anniversary, the John Wood Community College Foundation has launched the Pathways to Promise Scholarship Drive to raise $500,000 in scholarships to support current and future student needs.

Currently, the JWCC Foundation has 200 individual scholarship funds that produce $200,000 in annual awards to students. These funds span various academic and co-curricular programs and vary widely in requirements.

These funds are vital to students’ success, yet more need exists if JWCC is to fully live its mission to enrich lives through learning by providing accessible educational opportunities and services at an exceptional value.

Area of Greatest Need

Unrestricted contributions to the area of greatest need for student support.


JWCC Foundation Scholarships provide critical support that helps JWCC students reach their educational goals. Endowed and annual awards are established through the JWCC Foundation.

Workforce Development Center

The WDC Expansion Project will add 14,170-square-feet to JWCC’s WDC facility located at 4220 Kochs Lane in Quincy, including a new Truck Driver Training addition; expanded space for HVAC, business and industry training, welding, industrial maintenance and manufacturing, robotics and automation; and flexible use space for new programs such as a virtual reality lab.